The Sleeping Lady Mt. Lions receive inquiries from community members asking how they can participate or help with our community projects. 


You can also join our growing club if you like volunteering in your community.  

To Donate, Please click on one of the fundraiser links below serviced by PayPal.  Scroll down to see fundraiser details and descriptions.


All donations are tax deductable and deposited into our 501c3 non-profit foundation (exception: Adminstrative donation & Members Dues)


Thank you for your interest in donating towards one of our many projects. 


Pay Pal will deduct a 3.49% + .49 cents per transaction fee from your payment.   It would be appreciated but not manditory if you would add the fee in with your payment.  


All donations will help keep our Lions Community Dog park maintained and cleaned for all our loving pets to enjoy.  We appreciate any donations or physical help community members would like to give.

The Sleeping Lady Lions are parterning with Providence Pediatric Cancer center to help with any future needs for their cancer kids, families and centers.  

  • SLML Scholarship Account - See our Scholarship page for details on SLML scholarships.

Lion Club International requires 100% of all funds raised from community project and fundraisers go back into the community and cannot be used towards administrative expenses.  The only way Lion Clubs pay for administrative expenses is through their members, inter-club fundraisers and through administrative donations. All funds raised through this link will go towards administrative expenses such as, Lions training events and office supplies along with other misc. admin. expenses.


Members can also pay their annual dues using this link.

  • General Community Fund - These funds aused for general need that might come up in our community. 100% of all funds donated to this fund will go back to the ER/Chugiak community through our service projects or direct donations where needed.
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© Sleeping Lady Lions